Home away from home.
Downtown New Velmonn, for the most part is probably the more enjoyable part of the city. The border of N.V makes itself known for its exciting sights and pretty lights. It has a very lively feel to it and it's own culture with tons of people gathering together from different diverse environments... Even those not of this world. In the recent decade demonic activities have become high enough for some citizens of the public to wonder what has been happening in their city. Nobody knows the full truth of strange occurances of an occult like nature besides one group. P.R.A.Y.E.R, the demonic investigations agency has it's mission dead set on sending demons back to Hell to recieve proper punishment for their actions. Outside of the activity of demons, the area has a lot of expensive apartments and businesses. Due to it being near the coast, there's a shipyard and warehouses present alongside the edge of the city.
Downtown New Velmonn has many rundown buildings near the ports, due to the fact that a lot of the city budget is spent on City Square and commercial avennue it is unlikely these buildings will be touched for some time... Making it the perfect hiding place for one Lefty. After a year of living in the city of New Velmonn in the shadows they needed a place to call home, scavanging for supplies they eventually wired an old building with electricity and claimed the apartment as their own. Locked down and bordered up on the bottom floors, the only way to get inside is from the fire escape which Lefty climbs up. Over time they've made it a quite cozy place, able to kick back, relax, and reflect on a hard days work fighting against R.I industries.
Whever you go, R.I smiles down on you.
City Square has some of the tallest buildings and longest lasting establishments in New Velmonn, it is commonly the most visited tourist location of the entire state as tech-giant "Ransohme Industries" takes center stage with it's headquarters established in the middle of the entire city. Many people work late into the hours of the night leading to less demonic activity, along with the area containing a large amount of legitimate businesses as opposed to crime that's headed into other areas. The main delights of city square also come in with the kinds of places open, restaruants are a big staying point of this part of N.V and contain some of the best food on the east coast. Smaller R.I Outposts located across the city help citizens with bus routes and mapping with it's advanced phone-link software, leading to the company having a large reach over public transportation, security, and infrastructure.
The reason why there isn't a fullscale invasion of hell forces is that it takes LOTS of resources for demons to come over, and in truth the process is quite grueling. Demons have to use ink-pool as communication between a human contractor in order to form a passage to the human world. When the contract is activated, the demon's body melts into the ink-pool and reforms on the other side. Depending on how powerful a demon is, there may need to be a form of tribute and sacrifice to properly transfer them over... However, there are whispers of a secret way to make portals in hell that require no sacrifices. Many have deemed these rumors false though.
People think this is where the money is.
Commercial Avenue, many unique individuals spend their time here. Often notable New Velmonn artists and celeberties make it a point to go to clubs and treat themselves, big apartment buildings, hotels, and luxury takes the area by storm. Underneath it though lies a whole underground section, a small city in of itself that occupies itself with morally dubious passtimes. New Velmonn is known for it's commonplace of illegal activity, the underground of commercial avenue is the heart of it. This is also where many people of occult interests make their base of operations, humans obsessed with demonic entities and objects converge together to make contact with demons who can supply them with goods.
Kingdoms is a fancy name for the land the Gluttonspawns appropriete, in their needless theatrics and war upon each other. They are bound to eat themselves in a continous cylce of conquest... Though, when they can there are various kingdoms established outside, by more qualified powers. These belong to some Gluttonspawns who had the proper connections to get out, others form some small gangs and go around to cause terror.
Industrial, Incomprehensive, Incompatible.
Smog, Gascious air, and fallen cities, the story of greed is one of war brought upon itself. Originally it was a prosperous environment the greedspawns brought together to collaborate and build the perfect cities and empires, they lived as one of the more peaceful colonies... Until politics began to develop of the future of the environment. Due to the great war, the entire society collpased and it now exists as closed off, mechanical empires and wastelands populated by gangs and those unfortunate enough to not have a home, leading to the tragic environment demons find themselves rotting in. Greedspawns will do anything they can to reach rank, status, and power. Greedspawns become the masters of creating demon contracts in the mortal realm as a result, giving them breathing room in order to gain resources and power.
There was two main colonies of Greed, Lion's Eye and the Elk, they had various cities under their wing distirubing resources amongst themselves and often times stayed seperate, though the two began to... compete. They treated their seperate socieities as manufacturers and began to produce different products, demons living in these cities engaged in positions that made them overworked, treated as slaves to the whelms of the souless powers they fought already in their lifetimes, they grew tired and a revolt took place in Elk, the elites of Lion's Eye and the Elk gathered together and formed a pact to eliminate the workers uprising.
Demons have various special powers that comes with the enhancements of their soul in their new bodies. The one that stands out and directly corolates with the mortal realm is Contracts, demons are able to form contracts amongst themselves or with humans through summoning, astral projection, or direct contact and offer either their abilities, services, possession of a body, and various other options. The other person/demon at the other end is able to forfiet anything as a sacrifice, this can be anything that they own or is under them... This can be objects, money, people, the heiarchy in a demon contract can be very flexibile... For better or for worse.
Blood fills your color palette dearly
In the ruins of empty colonies, Wrathspawns partake in bloodsports and fight for survival daily. This ring is covered in a thick rain that leaves the surface flooded, giant buildings stand strong as clans of demons kill and maim each other for natural resources. Often times due to the high mortality rate, inkpits are scattered into smaller sections resulting in those entering Wrath not to get "Spawnkilled"... Though, this supremely mortal part of the afterlife isn't wasted, Greedspawns often take bets into who survives into the night, drones with cameras attatched stream live footage of Wrath to a broadcast where many spectators throw their share in. Sometimes they'll even fly in supply drops to throw into the ring and rig the "games" even more. Not many Wrathspawns get out due to the thick waterfalls surrounding the ring. Though there's one way out. The River Styx, a constant narrow battlefield that only one demon has escaped... The Satan-King.
The River Styx is a pathway that cuts through a pathway in the Ring of Wrath and into the edge of Greed. Due to it's nature it is hard to breathe in as the smog from Greed overflows into it, and the water becomes unsafe to drink, often people who survive feed entirely off of ink supplies and canisters. Others choose to live in the River and hunt down Ink Creatures for nutrition and hydradtion. The rumor of how the one demon who passed through, the Satan-King, did it was that he covered himself in Ink and began to experiment with his own body to unlock his full potential through alchemy.
The Satan-King, is the self proclaimed title of a one-soul demon. Not much is known about him, other than that in his time as a human he studied a deadly form of martial arts that harnessed energy to obliterate anything with the lift of a finger. Due to having only one soul, this demon remembers he was from his past life. Making him distinctly more knowledgeable than most with only fragments or glimpses at their pasts. He has a fortress built in the Ring of Malice with thousands of demons taken from Inkpits when they first spawn in that he trains into deadly warriors for his army, he plans to conquer the entirety of Hell.
New Skin, Same Hate
The desolate and dreary environment of malice is home to various settlements home to a closed off society painfully stained with bigotry still in their coding, nazis, racists, the kinds of people you'd expect to go to hell have their own section for their self absorbed hatreds, malice contains them artificially. They live by themselves, and keep to themselves, praying on any other spawn that reaches into their area, they are the embodiments of savages and easily is able to reach their most sinful urges. Most Malicespawns are made up of a high count of souls, meaning that a twelve-soul demon is entirely possible and normal. Due to this though, they end up looking very inhuman with more animal like skeletons and weirdly arched legs.
When a demon is pushed to the absolute limit, or influenced by an outside source with chemical reactions. They enter a state thats called a sinful urge, the inner-most deepest desire of the demon will spike out and the demon in question will erupt wildly with a lack of control, sinful urges can be sustained after taking chemicals to subdue one, or it will dissipate over time.
Malice spawns used to roam Hell as free spirits, targetting mostly Lustspawns, Gluttonspawns, and Limbospawns. Often times as part of this prejudice they'd be mistreated, belongings commondeered for themselves, and forced into enslavement. The forces of these three rings decided to unite in order to push Malicespawns back into their own ring, creating a deep border control around it with the help of the enforcement of Treachery..